Concrete is attacked by Acids and Alkaline. Hydrogen sulphide attack in sewer pipes and structures is a major problem, but also the presence of sulphates and chlorides in soils creates aggressive saline conditions that pose a threat to concrete foundations for all sorts of building works.The evolution of the HDPE liner Linings represents a major breakthrough in physical properties, with elongation at break point being to the order of 600% for polyethylene.
HDPE lining will therefore not crack when placed under stress, like coatings and they will endure for over 50 years in the toughest of service. Abrasion resistance: In comparison to concrete, T-Lock has superior frictional resistance and abrasion resistance and possesses excellent tear strength.
The HDPE liners are smooth. Concrete pipes that are lined with the material, therefore, have superior hydraulic characteristics to plain pipes and many other materials. This advantage can be translated into savings for the consumer by utilizing smaller diameters of pipes.